If you are asked to rate your health between 1-10 where would you stand? I am sure this question would arise for everyone including me and I am guessing on an average people would call themselves healthy, rating them anywhere above 7.
There are so many factors that each one of us may consider before rating him/herself. Some of the common factors which come up include what you eat, how much you sleep, your lifestyle, stress, environmental factors and so many more. It is only when a person falls sick he or she starts feeling they are not healthy. For that matter nobody is healthy and nobody can be a 10/10. In my opinion purity in every form is lost as generations went by, years passed by. Purity in the food we eat, in the air we breathe, purity in our heart and soul and even the purity of our genes has gone. I agree the world cannot be the same 10-20 years later, since it has not been the same 10-20 years back from now. A positive push and a negative pull keep acting and impacting the world we live in, in every little form. But somehow this balance gets lost over a period of time and that is when every other life form is impacted from it in a negative way. I feel the world is starting to feel it already with many factors impacting one another and one of them being health. No matter how much ever we try to enforce the law of purity on us, it has come to a point that you can’t really do much to stay healthy. Even if you do, you may not be able to keep it going for long, for some reason or other. All of us can call ourselves healthy, likewise if our mind says it; our hearts accept it and that makes it one positive vibe in the air.
I am sure everyone will be able to accept at least a portion of what I feel. Hope I didn’t complicate it….;-)